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Please contact us to discuss how working with Myriad can maximise and secure R&D funding opportunities for your business.
Contact usMyriad works closely with various Business Advisors to maximise and secure R&D funding opportunities for their clients.
We work with specialist advisors across all sectors, including Innovation Consultants, Trade Associations, IP and Patent Attorneys, VCs and Investors, as well as general Business Advisors, such as Banks, Solicitors and Business Support Agencies, and Accountants and Accounting practices.
Myriad's R&D Tax and Grants Consultants can identify, from just a brief initial call or meeting, whether your client may be eligible to make a claim for R&D Tax Relief and also if R&D Grants, R&D Capital Allowances, or Creative Tax Reliefs may be available to them.
Myriad offers flexible pricing options, including success-only fees for R&D Tax Relief claims, calculated as a percentage of the Corporation Tax savings, with no additional consultancy fees.
happy clients
in R&D tax credits & VGTR claimed
in grant funding won
Myriad is interested in developing robust, long-term working relationships with Accountants and Business Advisers to provide exceptional added value to our mutual clients.
In addition, Myriad offers an attractive and flexible referral scheme. If a referral fee basis is not suitable for you, we are happy to be flexible and discuss alternative arrangements.
The Myriad team specialises in R&D funding, which requires the minimum possible amount of your client’s time.
Our technical consultants combine their practical experience, knowledge of the range of R&D funding legislation, and technical communication qualifications to understand and accurately document your client's existing or planned R&D projects.
The specialist R&D tax credit team at Myriad has once again been successful in its client’s appeal to the First-Tier Tax Tribunal.
Myriad has successfully overcome multiple R&D tax credit enquiries from HMRC. Here’s how we addressed the enquiry and helped answer HMRC's questions.
The Myriad Associates grant team have done it again. They’ve won over £200,000 worth of funding from UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) as part of their UK-Canada competition.
Please contact us to discuss how working with Myriad can maximise and secure R&D funding opportunities for your business.
Contact us