How to calculate for RDEC
The Research & Development Expenditure Credit (RDEC) is available to Large Companies who fail to meet the eligibility criteria for the SME scheme as well as SMEs who are prevented from claiming under the SME scheme.
The RDEC is a standalone credit that is considered as a receipt when calculating trading profits. As the RDEC is an above-the-line credit, it is included in your taxable profits, therefore is taxed at the corporation tax rate.
The current rate for the RDEC is 20%, which is then taxed at the current main rate of 25%. This gives a real-world benefit of 15% of the R&D expenditure.
For expenditure up to 31st March 2023, the RDEC rate is 13%, taxed at the corporation tax rate of 19%, which gives a real-world benefit of 10.5%.
The relief is then given by either offsetting the RDEC against your tax bill or, where no tax is payable, a cash payment will be made to you.
For more information visit our R&D tax credits page.